Mar 13

Using a High-Performing Team to Successfully Achieve Integrated Care


1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

Dr. Eboni Winford, Director of Research and Health Equity at Cherokee Health Systems (CHS), discusses how your organization can achieve excellence through integration. Dr. Winford is the Clinical Director for CHS’s National Consultation and Training Program, which provides tailored training for community health organizations, and co-founder of REACCH, a collaboration between CHS and the University of Tennessee Knoxville.

Dr. Eboni Winford shares her experience implementing integrated care at CHS. She also describes ways in which leaders can demonstrate support for integrated care and discuss how to recruit and retain strong team members. Additionally, Dr. Winford demonstrates how Rogers’ Innovation Adoption Curve can be used to identify individual team members’ readiness to implement integrated care. This session includes practical tips on primary care and behavioral health integration.



  • Eboni Winford, PhD, MPH, Director of Research and Health Equity, Cherokee Health Systems